Dear my-humans
I hope you are having a wonderful time in foreign lands - I would be lying if I said I wasn't missing you, but to be honest, there is little time to sit and mope, what with walks, bashing up Harry, working my way through acres of rawhide chews, and devising cunning plans to inveigle my way onto the sofa, or even better, the bouncy chair. And I'm not sure that I fancy seaweed for dinner, so I'm content not to fly the world.
Why do they call me Lord Muck? Is it because I am dirty? Ned was jealous ... ha ha ha |
Anyway, since you, Luna and the spare Oli dropped me off, I've fitted right back in to the pack and only had to sleep in the hall for one night before being allowed to take over a bed in the Utilitarium again. I did have one almighty donnybrook with Harry (I tried to steal his piece of sheep poo and he was not happy) and Scout came to his defense. Fur really did fly, but there was no damage and we are all getting along now that I know not to eye up another's dung treasures.
Me and the gang. Neddy always looks a bit worried on camera. (OP) |
The weather has been wet and windy, but Badgerbeard and Gingerbeard are getting stuff done. All of the cattle are in the sheds, and thankful for it. There was a day or two of drama when the older calves were weaned and their mothers fog-horned all night for them, but everyone is now calm. If the rain is not too dramatic, the bull and the autumn calvers are allowed out in the daytime to mess up the already stodgy field, but they mostly like to sit inside on the toasty straw and chew whatever it is they chew. I am allowed to look at them but not bark, and surreptitious licking of pats is frowned upon and curtails love and cuddles later in the day with complaints of bad breath.
Some of my new friends. (OP) |
The sheep are all still outside, and slowly the lambs from last April are being taken to a magical place where Farmer Rob lives and where they will be fattened up. I dream of being fattened up, but food is definitely rationed because apparently porky border collies are an offence to the eye and to decency.
Ewe lambs eating oats (not my cup of tea really, too dry and scratchy). (OP) |
We did have a small break in the rain when it decided to snow. It caught us all by surprise, and I was unable to eat as much of it as I would have liked ... not for want of trying, though. Down at the house it was not much more than a light coating, but up on the high fields there was quite a bit! Ned came back from an emergency run to deliver hay, full of tales of cold winds and the quad bike struggling to get across the field with a loaded trailer.
It was definitely colder halfway up the hill. |
The ewes appreciated the care package from lower down. |
The humans have been doing lots of fencing (I gather the field edge kind rather than the en-garde kind, but as I am not allowed to help, I can't be entirely sure). I can watch them doing the hedge-laying below the house, but again am unable to join in ... something to do with being untrustworthy around chainsaws, steep drops and falling trees. A bit of a cheek really. I have learnt a lot though. For example, bloody cows does not have anything to do with any bodily fluid leakage as I originally thought (and salivated over), but rather is a statement of opinion from Badgerbeard when the cattle have come along and spread his nice piles of branches all over the place, stomped big holes in the earth that are trip hazards, and dropped cowpats five to every square metre so he gets covered in crap while working (and slipping).
I have also been told that I am incorrigible, which is a lovely new word that means I am an amazing, handsome and intelligent dog! I learnt it while watching Rocketman with the gang.
Anyway, I hope you are enjoying yourselves and that Luna is behaving at grandma's. With all my love.
Your Shackie
PS - a note from Badgerbeard. The photos with OP are from Oli Prince (my dad!) and so much much better than the normal pictures. He's available for weddings, bar mitzvahs, and any other occasions! It was a pity he missed out on an awesome sunrise the other morning.
Hi Shackleton!
ReplyDeleteGreat to hear how you are getting on at Edge Exmoor. It all sounds pretty exciting with your sheepdoggy friends, and all those cows and sheep.
Im having a comfy time here at Fran's. We go out for a walk every day - try to go early to avoid other People and their Dogs as I still get the shivvers when I see anyone new. Fran calls me a stupid bitch, now is that kind? Apart from that we have a mutual admiration arrangement and the days roll past.
Last week we had some excitement here when the Cambridgeshire hunt foxhounds all poured through the garden! I watched from the window, but Fran rushed down to tell them off. They totally ignored her as they were programmed to trail Mr Fox (who had long since gone - tally ho - as I'd sniffed him out earlier). They're big though, the foxhounds. I considered signing up, but Fran says Im fast but too weedy. And bred wrong.
Well I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay at the farm - and keep out of that cow poo
Yours ever, Luna
Hi Luna ... sounds like you are having fun too! We haven't seen the hunt here, but heard the naughty dogs in the distance. Badgerbeard was not complimentary and hoped Mr Tod, or indeed Mrs, was holed up somewhere warm.
ReplyDeleteAll cow and sheep poo related ownership disputes have been resolved amicably.
See you soon!