Wednesday, 4 April 2018


Not long after publishing yesterday's blog, we lost Sonny in a farm accident, just over a week after we said goodbye to Cody.  He didn't suffer, and everyone else is ok physically, but it'll take a long time to recover from this horrible heartbreak.  He was such a lovely boy and enjoyed every minute of being on the farm.  I can't say more.  Just a goodbye Sonny ... and sending you to the great romping grounds with more love than you can imagine.


  1. :-( so sorry about this news :-( he is in doggy heaven!

    hugs from Italy!


  2. Thanks so much - slowly getting our heads round it, but a huge loss. He'll be romping with the others...and doggy heaven is where I'm going when I'm done.
    Love to you both

  3. I am so, so, sorry. He was such a sweet boy. Much love to all of you, Vanessa
