Tuesday, 6 March 2018

A soupçon of weather

Along with many other parts of the country, we've had a soupçon of weather to deal with recently.  After a few days of bitter, dry wind from the north, most of our plants were looking either decidedly sorry for themselves or plain dead, so precipitation in any form was welcome...although in moderation would have been the ideal.  Instead we had three days of blizzards, snow drifting to five or six feet, and were cut off not only from the outside world, but even from the end of the driveway  - to get in and out we had to scale the snow-clad bank at the back of the house, carrying Cody because his poor back legs are no longer up to it.

Getting to the sheds was "interesting", involving a climb over the fence and sliding down another drift until we had dug out the stairs later in the day.  Inside there was as much snow as outside (the fine, dry flakes behaved like sand and got through every crack) and no water.  All of the pipes were frozen, so our work revolved around water management.  Fortunately, we had good company in the form of many blackbirds, robins and starlings...easy food and warm habitation (at least warmer than outside) overcoming their natural wariness.  Our "house birds" were fed under the porch, becoming quite brave by the end of the weekend.

The Cool Dude of Winter Award has to go to James.  When Daiz (of lambing fame) couldn't get her car out of her work car park, he picked her up in the tractor. Sweeeeeeet!  Our first foray out was to the local village shop on the quad bike as we had run out of essentials - wine, garlic bread and chocolate.

As they say, a picture paints a thousand words...

This isn't too bad...
...revising opinion...
...and ok, perhaps we have a bit of an issue.
Getting to the sheds.
These are the INSIDE sheep.
The pregnant ewe-lambs are not impressed with their accommodation.
In fact, their non-knocked-up sisters seem to be happier outside.
We found the steps!
Unfortunately, snow and shit don't make for a good mix.
Still, there was always something amusing to look at...



  1. Replies
    1. That would be most welcome! Can't wait for some warmer weather and clear days. Winter is dragging on now, after a very wet autumn.
