Thursday 28 January 2016

News from the mud patch

Wintering farming trundles on, with cold hands and an even colder bum where Sonny sloshes water all over the seat of the bike as he excitedly jumps on and off at every gate, making sure he visits each puddle and rut en route.  Now we are taking hay out to the sheep, there's not a lot of room for him...but where there's a will, there's a way...

Sonny - determined not to be left behind.

Meanwhile all of the cattle are inside, and Ian M scrapes up dung twice a week, then straws up the pens.  The little calves love "Straw Day", and soon settle down for a nice snug nap...

Despite the dreck weather, there has been some progress on the house build - not much, but at least we now have a gate and part of a driveway...

To bide the time, we've been taking tree moots and nice chunks from Ann's garden (as she is moving too), and have started a rock garden - it may be the only patch of cultivation we have for a while in a sea of mud.

It's just a this space (our very own henge).

Of course we brought Buddha with us...

...but are not adverse to a little paganism from time to time.

Most unimpressed.  "What about our walk, dude?"


  1. Gates! And an address! Bet that's more than most stray rockeries have...

    All very exciting, Ians.


    1. Looks a bit forlorn there in the middle of nowhere! Roll on spring and some grass sprouting...

  2. Joey looking grey, bless him xxx

    1. I know - now that Fred has gone, we notice how creaky Joey is! Old and grumpy...just like me. Ix
