Saturday, 20 July 2013

Could there BE any more collies?

What's a hot Friday for other than a trip to the Devon Country Fayre and English National Sheepdog Trials? Competing border collies, pet border collies, border collie societies, tea-towels, mugs, hats, stuffed toys...the odd gun-dog and terrier must have felt awkward and out of place.  There was even furt racing (which I eventually translated from Devonish into English to mean ferret), although I am not sure that, even given enough warning, I could outrun a ferret.

Needless to say, our boys did not accompany us - Fred would have succumbed to the heat and had a funny turn, Sonny would have made off with half the flock, while Joey whined and whinged and was an embarrassment in front of his peers.  As for Cody?  Huskies were most definitely not invited to this party.  Nothing to pull, no snow, and biting lambs is frowned upon.

Bringing in the girls...

...and penning them.

And it's not only ewes that need moving around the place.

Sensible hounds sit back and watch all the frenetic activity.


  1. Gorgeous pictures, looks like some kind of heaven..doggies in their element.

  2. Most definitely - and I was banned from bringing any more home!
