Saturday, 20 July 2013

Could there BE any more collies?

What's a hot Friday for other than a trip to the Devon Country Fayre and English National Sheepdog Trials? Competing border collies, pet border collies, border collie societies, tea-towels, mugs, hats, stuffed toys...the odd gun-dog and terrier must have felt awkward and out of place.  There was even furt racing (which I eventually translated from Devonish into English to mean ferret), although I am not sure that, even given enough warning, I could outrun a ferret.

Needless to say, our boys did not accompany us - Fred would have succumbed to the heat and had a funny turn, Sonny would have made off with half the flock, while Joey whined and whinged and was an embarrassment in front of his peers.  As for Cody?  Huskies were most definitely not invited to this party.  Nothing to pull, no snow, and biting lambs is frowned upon.

Bringing in the girls...

...and penning them.

And it's not only ewes that need moving around the place.

Sensible hounds sit back and watch all the frenetic activity.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Into the vacuum…

No, we're not going out into the cosmos – Exmoor may have a dark-skies designation, but as far as I know the North Devon space programme is still in its infancy and no livestock have yet been launched to the skies, not even into low orbit.  I'm talking about the Dyson – the contents of which tell the tales of the seasons.

All through the winter, it fills with the ephemera of the farm that make their way into the house – mostly straw and hay, dirt and the occasional unpleasant lump of something brown.  The dried grasses are joined in February by skeins of husky fluff that continue to make up the bulk of the suckings until at least July (joined then by the collie fur, the other boys not wanting to be left out), and in June the grass seeds inveigle their way home on clothes and dog coats, and if we are unlucky, via ear canals and an expensive visit to the vet.  Into autumn, collie fur is joined by leaves and mulch, and later by yet another period of husky moult.

And it's not just the vacuum that is of interest.  The washing-machine often disgorges unexpected objects, such as pocket-knives, wire, and dog-poo bags (of course unused) that were forgotten in back pockets.  And while dog hair seems ubiquitous even here, it's a bit of a shock to find a very sharp grass seed embedded in the under-parts of one's underpants, having hitched a ride into the washer on Ian's overalls.

Laundry done, back outside as the sun is shining, and following common wisdom. we are making hay…

Ian picking up bales

Wrapping and stacking

Of course they wanted to help...

...or just beggar about!