Sometimes the animals round here take liberties. Gerald (the partridge) has decided that our
porch is by far the best place in the world to take a dust bath, and no
ungainly human wandering about nearby is going to scare him off; Philip (the pheasant) engages in battle with
his mortal foes outside our living room, with much a-squawking; and Cody (the
very bad and in disgrace husky) thinks nothing of nicking a pork joint off the
dining room table (and would have got away with it if I hadn't heard the
tiniest of chinks of collar tag on plate).
Other critters are better behaved, and Matt's sheep across the
valley sent us a message of love (if you look hard enough, squinting, out of
the corner of your eye)...
We've had a run of nice days, with a cold easterly, which has dried up the ground. So today was the day the cattle were let out of the sheds.
Sonny and the new ewe-lamb mules and black-faces look on expectantly...
And here they come...
The calves have a wonderful time chasing Philip around the field (who must have forgotten that he can fly)...We've had a run of nice days, with a cold easterly, which has dried up the ground. So today was the day the cattle were let out of the sheds.
Sonny and the new ewe-lamb mules and black-faces look on expectantly...
And here they come...
And of course, Sonny does the good neighbour thing and makes friends over the garden fence...
Meanwhile, old Big Balls has a good scratch on the first available post. There will definitely "be words" if he ends up in the garden.
Currently holding our
breaths until lambing beginning in earnest...although some are probably more excited than others...