Ian M assessing progress.
View of snow-capped Dartmoor from the top of the garden.
Inside the sheds, the cattle steam away in the cold air, and the little calves snuggle together.
"Help, I'm evaporating!"
Wake me when the cake arrives.
Most of the sheep are now inside, having been scanned last week. The weekend saw a lot of sorting going on - early lambers to go to the other farm, triples and those needing a bit more feed in one shed, doubles in another, singles and very late lambers back into the fields for a while longer, until space becomes available.
Girls in the race. "I've got three in me!"
"Bye...see you in April."
Rob helped me put up some nest boxes for sparrows, with the intention of enticing a colony to make their home inside the sheds. A day later, a pair was taking hay and fleece into one of the holes - if you build it, they will come!
The weather moves back in.