This weekend, the rams were brought back to Ann's splat for a well-earned rest after doing their duty...and the ewes are each sporting a red, blue or green patch of fleece (the colour-coding showing us when they are likely to lamb).
Beginning of April!
Who you lookin' at?
The weather has been reasonably kind this year, and there has been good quality grass for longer than 2013. But the time has come to give extra silage, and move the sheep into smaller groups and lower fields.
One man and his (over-excited) dog....
...who is the reason we always have to wear leggings.
Rob came down for a weekend and finally plucked up courage to drive the quad across Big Field. Or perhaps it was just a handy way to ensure that Ian did all of the heavy lifting?
When the rain let off for a while, Ian and Ian were seen to be sporting the latest in farming chic from the stylish House of Stattersfield - scarves knitted from our own wool. It's amazing how I can put a dirty fleece into an old cake bag, and a few months later it re-appears as clothing...thanks Ali!