Today the tame lambs moved into a new 'des res' – bigger space, loads of exciting things to do like run around, play in the straw, stand on the block of wood to be the tallest ever lamb there was. After a few tentative moments of "Where the heck are we?",
lamb madness breaks out…
Eventually everyone settles down - nice warm bedding, milk on-tap (well, on-nipple to be more precise) and cosy mates to have a sleep-over (now 25 of them).
Meanwhile, those lucky enough to have mothers (the tame lambs being orphaned, rejected or the third of a triple) are out in the fields. On a rainy day they are kitted up with natty Mary Quantesque plastic macs (which we later have to retrieve from hedges, trees and ditches), but on a pleasant Devon spring morning, it's straight out to start learning the ways of sheep-hood - which are few and far between as far as I can see.
Some of the older doubles have now been moved back up the hill towards the moor to take up their summer residence. What with birthing, feeding, letting out, feeding again, cleaning pens, keeping the cattle happy etc, we'll be glad when lambing is finally over - only 20 ewes to go! Then maybe we'll have a rare moment of tranquility...