Autumn has gently wandered into winter here in North Devon. Grey, damp days are interspersed with icy mornings, bright and crisp. The house sparrows chirrup around my frozen birdbath and dash back to the roof cavity when I come out with replacement water – no doubt they are snug in our insulation, and welcome residents at that.
The farm routine has settled again, revolving now mostly around the cattle rather than the sheep. Ewes should be pregnant, last year's lambs are setting off in batches to their final destination, and the rams are breathing a sigh of relief and hanging out in their all-male gang in Little Field. Apart from scattering cake and the occasional pedicure, their needs are simple.
The cattle on the other hand take a lot of looking after now that they are in the sheds for the winter. Twice daily feedings, regular shovelling of the results of their feedings, spreading of straw – our back muscles ache and we smell even less pleasant than usual (especially when slipping over in the yard). Sonny positively hums – it's very hard to cuddle a dog that desperately wants a hug when he smells rank. But we do our best.
Even now our thoughts are on lambing, although we don't start until the end of March. It'll be the first time in many years that lambing has taken place in our sheds and we have to plan our approach…with 350+ ewes expecting at least some form of midwifery or post-natal care and attention (even if it is just feeding), we need to be on the ball and have any repairs completed, the kitchen up-and-running…
I also realised something interesting - when we lamb depends on Jesus. That might make sense anyway if you are religious, and plenty of farming-related activities traditionally revolve around the Christian calendar. However, I don't mean it quite so theologically. Our season depends on Ian's dad's season (so that we don't overlap too much and we can help on the other farm) - that in turn depends on when the veterinary students are available for their two weeks of training - and their availability depends on their Easter holidays - which depend on Jesus. Or maybe that's just interesting to me.
To everyone who has time off over the holiday season, make sure you relax and recharge. Joey and Freddy plan to (and no, they are not allowed on the sofa!)